Cyn left a couple days ago for a conference and won’t be back until Monday night so I guess I’m flying solo until then. So far it hasn’t been quite as bad as I thought it was going to be but I am losing all sense of time. I didn’t even know it is Friday until almost 5 o’clock. Archer has been handling it pretty well but he is definitely testing his boundries.

Both of our sleep schedules are kinda messed up. He is used to moving to our bed at around 5 in the morning and then sleeping until a little after 8. I made him go back to sleep in his crib when he woke up so he only slept until 7. We both fell asleep for his morning nap which was almost two hours long so I guess that makes up for it.

Grandma Tina and Grandpa Hank are coming over tomorrow afternoon to spend some time with Arch and hopefully give me a little bit of a break. I love Arch more than anything in the world but every once in a while I NEED some conversation that is more than babbling and a couple signs. I had to make a couple of business calls this afternoon and it was a real struggle to switch back to regular speech. I’m sure one of these days I’m going to end up sounding like a complete idiot when I’m on the phone with a client.

Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.

Archer’s new teeth and a short- lived cold combined forces over the weekend to keep everyone from getting much sleep. I’m glad Cyn decided to take Friday off or I would have been in really bad shape. We couldn’t leave Arch in his bed or he would roll over and start to choke so he has spent a few nights with us.

Aaron and Amy (congrats again guys) came over last night and helped bring us back into the adult world. We went out to eat and Arch was in a great mood for most of the meal. He spent most of the time flirting with the waitress and stating at a guy who wouldn’t take his cowboy hat off. When we got home everybody took turns wearing Arch out. He fought sleep but went to ned without too much of a fuss. Tonight he went to sleep relatively easily. If we’re lucky this will be the end of this round of sleep trouble.

Arch had another PAT evaluation last Friday. As usual he didn’t have any trouble with the tests. They all involved putting things in containers and dumping them back out again. Since that has been his favorite thing to do lately he picked up on it right away and impressed the PAT rep. It is really nice to be able to compare his development to a standard. We know he’s the greatest but it feels good to have somebody who is completely unrelated to us confirm it :-).

Teeth, teeth, and more teeth. Archer was falling a little behind in the teeth department so he decided to catch up. I don’t know why he decided to do it all at once :-). Just before we headed home from our Christmas adventure his second pair of lower incisors broke through. He packed a sugar cookie around all day, periodically nibbling on it to make them feel better. It looks like his upper canines are about to pop through. To top it all off, a couple days ago he was grumping and pointing at the back of his mouth. When I convinced (bribed) him to open his mouth so I could get a better look I found his upper premolars had both broken through. So, once again he is going around and chewing on everything that will fit in his mouth. It has made bed time pretty rough for all of us, too. He was up for three hours past his usual bedtime tonight. Hopefully he’ll want to sleep in tomorrow.